Update on Barry’s Feb 24th BC Human Rights Tribunal Hearing

Barry has his hearing before the BC Human Rights Tribunal in only 2 weeks. (originally posted Feb 7, 2025)
Lawyer James Kitchen and Barry talk with Derek Sloan about the upcoming hearing.

In our interview Barry’s lawyer tells me that the Human Rights Tribunal didn’t even allow Barry to bring forward some of his key witnesses – including two young women who have detransitioned (in other words became trans-gender, but then decided it wasn’t for them), and also a gay man who is speaking in Barry’s favour.

It appears they don’t want to allow anything that would run counter to their “progressive” ideas.

What a shame for justice and for truth.

Over six years ago Barry said that “transitioning children is child abuse”  and they came after him for hate speech.

His name has been run through the mud, and he tells me he’s even been attacked publicly by the BC Teacher’s Union.

The complaint against him is still being litigated 6 years later.

Barry needs your help today to fight this charge, especially now that it’s clear the court is playing fast and loose with the rules by denying his key witnesses. 

To help Barry please click: https://www.fundingthefight.ca/barry_neufeld

You can also help Barry at https://rightsandfreedoms.org/Barry

Shared from Derek Sloan’s FundingTheFight:

Derek Sloan took time from his busy Campaign for the Ontario Provincial Election to update his listeners on what is happening to Barry Neufeld’s BC Human “Rights” Complaint that is now 2,572 days old (as of February 7th 2025).

This is absurd — The rest of the world has woken up to the dangers of lying to children that they may be “trapped in the wrong body” and offering them free “gender reassignment surgery” — chopping off healthy body parts from our kids to sterilize them….

This ongoing ridiculous attack on an elderly and faithful former Chilliwack School Board Trustee needs to be heard by delegates to the BC Provincial Conservative Party Annual General Meeting, March 1 and 2 Please forward this to you MLA and John Rustad.

Find your MLA here https://www.leg.bc.ca/members
John Rustad John.Rustad.MLA@leg.bc.ca

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