Long Time BC School Trustee Faces Human Rights Tribunal For “Hate Speech”

Tonight: Former BC police officer and school trustee Barry Neufeld is facing a Human Rights tribunal for opposing SOGI 123 and speaking out against gender ideology in BC…He joins the show to discuss it tonight.

Hearing Date: Nov. 25 2024
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Barry has been the Canary in the Mine. He has stood against the grooming of school children by those in position of authority. He stood against teachers lying to parents about the indoctrination of their children in public schools. He has stood against SOGI 123 from the start. In the process he has become the target of the Teacher’s Union and Glen Hansman past Union President. They have used the anti-slap legislation against him claiming they feel threatened by Barry for his stand against this WOKE Ideology. They have done everything they can to Bankrupt him. They have slandered him in the media. They have lied about him and sanctioned him against attending school functions and labelled him as a sexual deviant. Barry has over 27 years of working with Sexual Offenders in the Prison System. He has 3 degrees and more experience in this field than ALL other School Trustees COMBINED! This is a disgusting example of the Woke, deviant Left forcing their agenda on the unsuspecting public schools. They literally have the arrogance that they know better how to raise your child than you do and they don’t have to tell you about it!!! Barry is a warrior! A Brave man who literally doesn’t have to fight this battle other than he feels the moral right to stand up for the Truth. Please support this man with your prayers and your wallet.
~ Comment from Shadoe Davis rumble Page

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