Two Weeks of Tribunal Hearings Bring No Resolution for Embattled Former BC Trustee

Two weeks of hearings by a BC Human Rights Tribunal won’t offer enough time to resolve complaints against a former trustee.

Next Hearing Date: May 21 2025
Times: 9:30am 
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Former Chilliwack School Board trustee Barry Neufeld faces complaints stemming from a Facebook post in 2017 where he said transitioning children was child abuse.

The Chilliwack Teachers’ Association complained such comments amounted to workplace discrimination and hate speech.

Friday morning, Neufeld told the Western Standard by Facebook Messenger his interrogation won’t happen for months yet.

“Today is the last day of my trial before the BC Human Rights Tribunal, which the media is ignoring. I am giving my testimony today.  Today is the day my enemies have been waiting for. The only problem is: there won’t be time to cross examine me. The case may be adjourned for several months. I will have to remain silent, and the BCTF lawyers will have a long time to prepare their cross examination questions,” Neufeld said.

“Devyn Cousineau, the Tribunal chair, has decided that detransitioners Kelli-Lynn Pirie, Faith Grouleau and gay man Scott Geiler will not be allowed to testify because they are ‘irrelevant.’

Lawyer James Kitchen said he will be appealing to the Supreme Court of BC to overturn that decision. This will stall the tribunal three to six months,” Neufeld added.

The tribunal webpage lists March 4, 2025 as the next day Neufeld’s case will be heard. [*Webmaster’s note: The next hearing dates are February 24th & 25th 2025]

In 2017, Barry Neufeld posted to Facebook, “At the risk of being labelled a bigoted homophobe, I have to say that I support traditional family values and I agree with the College of Pediatricians that letting little children choose to change gender is nothing short of child abuse.”

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